We know there's  nothing quite like soaking up some sun on the lake in the family boat.. until someone decides to power turn within 15 feet of where you were, until recently, anchored  down and minding your own business. One person shouts at another and before you know it, tempers are hotter than the Texas sun in the middle of July! Let's avoid the lake battles this year and remember to brush-up on our Boat Etiquette.

1. Plan Accordingly 

Our first tip can not only improve boating etiquette, but it also just improves your overall safety every time you hit the lake. Always make sure that you've have planned ahead by ensuring that all proper safety precautions like your first-aid kit, life jackets, and fire extinguisher are in the boat. Being prepared for emergencies make you more efficient if there is ever a time for action. Also you should always make sure that any guests who are new to your boat or boating in general are away of any safety precautions as well. Doing so can make them feel more comfortable, especially if they are new to boating. 

2. Be Quick at the Ramp

Alright, our next tip is a big one and it takes place before you even put the boat in the water! Before you get to the launch ramp you and your crew should be ready to spend as little time as possible actually on the ramp. Doing so avoids crowding and creating confusion because let's face it... you NEVER know what you'll see at the boat ramp! With that being said, just a quick double check to make sure you have all of your drain plugs properly inserted and that you have absolutely everything you need for the day so that you're not have to turn around to grab anything later. 

3. Watch for No Wake Zones

Alright, you're floating now so drop the throttle and hit it! Right? WRONG. If you just launched your boat, chances are you're in the no wake zone which is neutral territory. If you're at your home lake at some point you should take the time to familiarize yourself with all of the no wake zones just in case there are any that might sneak up on you. If you're at a new lake or waterway you've never been to, just keep your eyes peeled. Just remember that people who are in the no wake zone are expecting any waves to come their way so it's just being respectful. 

4. Always Operate at a Safe Distance

Keeping an eye on other boaters and your surroundings is the easiest way to practice safe boating and great etiquette. It leads to less accidents and more worry-free boating for everyone! So as rule of thumb, if you're wondering if you're driving to close to people, ask yourself "Would I be comfortable with someone else driving this close to me?"  

5. Help Your Fellow Boaters

If you've ever been dead in the water, floating in the middle of the lake, watching what little help you have driving in the opposite directions, apparently not hearing your SOS, then you know what a relief it is when a fellow boater stops to lend you a helping hand. The ultimate form of good etiquette is both a boating tradition and overall, is just the right thing to do. Anytime you're on the water you should be ready to stop and help.

6. Don't Forget to Wave

Boating should be fun a friendly for everyone so let's keep it that way! You can never send out too many "hello" waves!