While cats may traditionally be the favored companion of sailors, plenty of dogs have followed their master out on the water. Certain breeds, such as the Newfoundland, have been specifically bred to help out on the water. Of course, you can take just about any kind of dog out on the water provided you observe the right safety considerations. If you’re interested in learning more, check out this guide from the experts at Tommy’s Boats to boating with your dog.

1. Acclimate Your Dog

Throwing your dog into an unfamiliar situation like a boat trip can be scary and stressful for them. Instead, you should take steps to slowly acclimate your dog to boating. Start by taking a walk around the marine and letting them explore the boat. Keep them on their lease and provide them with treats and toys so that their anxiety level remains low. Speak to them using a calm, soothing tone. When you think your dog is ready, take a short trial voyage to see how they do. 

2. Tag Your Pet

There’s always a danger, however unlikely, that you might accidentally become separated from your dog while boating. That’s why it's extra important that your dog wear a collar that has a tag with your name and contact details. Not only will this help whoever finds your dog to return them to you, but it will also help ensure that no one mistakes your pet for a stray. Some owners choose to go the extra mile and have a microchip implanted in their pet, but this is up to you. 

3. Get a Dog-Sized Life Jacket

Even if your dog is a great swimmer, there’s always a chance that a particularly strong current will pull them away from you. That’s why you should outfit your dog with an appropriately sized life jacket. It’s also important that the life jacket has handles so that you can quickly pull your pet back on the boat if necessary. 

4. Carry a Pet First-Aid Kit

Most of the supplies in your normal first-aid kit aren’t suitable for use on dogs. That’s why you’ll need to buy or create a special pet first-aid kit. Important supplies to have include gauze pads, adhesive tape, cotton swabs or balls, 3% hydrogen peroxide ( induces vomiting, check with your veterinarian beforehand), ice packs, nitrile gloves, tweezers, blunt scissors, antibiotic cream, towels, alcohol wipes, and your pet’s veterinary information. A list of nearby vet and emergency clinics can also be helpful. 

5. Keep Your Pet Hydrated 

Make sure your pet has enough water to stay hydrated, especially when boating on a hot day. You may also want to provide a training pad in a secluded area in case your pet needs to do its business. 

For more on boating with your dog or to shop our extensive inventory of boats, visit Tommy’s Boats. We operate 16 dealership locations throughout the United States, including four in California and three in Michigan. We also offer boat storage, financing, rentals, parts ordering, servicing, promotions, customization, brokerage, and trade-ins. We hope to see you soon!